Please look in Limited Editions for Reproductions.
Painted in February 2012
- Observing the Magnificent Humpback Whale as it dives with falling water flowing from its tail must be one of nature's most marvelous of sights.
- Here the artist has combined that Tail with a famous place on Maui, the pristine Waimoku Falls in Hana.
- I feel as if I have just stepped back in time to a place long ago. I have just come from a very long hike up a mountainside to the top of a beautiful waterfall. The air is crisp and clean. The sun is just rising in the distance. I’m listening to the water gently falling from far above as I start to notice this waterfall is actually a giant Humpback Whale Tail. This image as if almost frozen in time has left me pondering where is all the other life? How did I, or we get here?
- Looking at Tail of life takes us to an almost dream like state. The painting beckons us to ponder within our deepest levels of consciousness how we as a people came to be of this earth.
- Inspired by The Waterfall in the Hana Bamboo Forest.
Hawaii Art Reproductions of Whales
Open Edition Prints Available
Limited Edition Art Available
©Podge Elvenstar 2012